Getting rid of your car in an environmentally friendly way can be difficult. Finding someone offering free car collection who can assure you that your vehicle will be properly depolluted and recycled can often be very time consuming.
If you’ve decided to upgrade your car to a model with better fuel efficiency or have simply decided to give it up in favour of a greener mode of transport can donation offers a simple, green and ethical means of dealing with your unwanted auto.
There are a variety of donation programs that will be happy to take your car. It is important to find one that will arrange for its scrappage in an environmentally friendly way or will put it into auction to find a new owner. Scrappage makes sure that the oldest and least fuel efficient cars are taken off the road. If your car is still relatively young and in good condition, finding a new owner through auction helps to reduce the demand for new cars and the damage to the environment caused by their production.
UK car disposal program Giveacar ensures that 85% of the weight of each car that is scrapped through them is recycled and reused. They only use sites authorised by the UK Environment Agency and guarantee that all cars are fully depolluted in accordance with the European Union’s End of Life Vehicle Directive.
Specifically to the UK Givecar system,UK car disposal plan Giveacar ensures that 85% of the weight of each car that scrapped through them is recycled and reused. They only use sites authorised by the UK Environment Agency and guarantee that all cars are fully depolluted in accordance with the European Union’s End of Life Vehicle Directive.
In addition to the environmental benefits of donating your car through the Giveacar program each scrap car will generate a donation of a least $100 for a good cause.
Just over a year after it was first created the car scrappage scheme has already recycled more than 3,000 vehicles and has raised more than $300,000 for a host of different charitable organisations.
If you would like to learn more about car donation, please visit the Giveacar website –
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