Thursday, November 6, 2008

Cool Products TripAlyizer

We haven't a clue where the name for this little piece of software came from but for iPhone and iPod Touch users it's a very cool add on. 

TripAlyizer assists you in saving gas at the pump by analyzing your driving habits and giving you an efficiency score. TripAlyizer takes advantage of the unique features of the iPhone GPS to determine speed, direction, distance traveled, cost per trip, time spent and an efficency percentage of each trip. TripAlyizer takes into account your driving speed, your rate of acceleration, your total idle time, total time spent within your cars "sweet spot" and number of stops to messure your efficiency. This application also provides a means to store your car information, like mileage, VIN number, scheduled maintenance, tire pressure (yes it does matter!), Insurance information e.t.c.

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