Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Elizabeth Warren's American Indian Heritage

I can empathize with Elizabeth Warren. I don't know all of the details of how she did or did not use her Cherokee and Delaware bloodlines during the course of her life but as the grandson of a Grandfather who was Algonquin and a Grandmother who was Oneida (Iroquois) I know that I proudly embrace my heritage.  My mother's family came on the Mayflower yet when asked about my heritage I am most proud of the one that ties me most closely to the land. I'm an all American mutt but if forced to choose one box into which I am willing to be placed it is Indian and by God or the Great Spirit I will continue to proudly fly the Iroquois Flag along with the American one.

By the way, for those who wonder, the correct reference is now once again American Indian, not Native American. I have not taken the time to understand why yet but once I do, I will share it with my friends here.

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