Thursday, June 6, 2013

Fields of Lupine Festival

Spring Symphony of Lupine
The Fields of Lupine Festival is a regional event celebrating the blossoming of the Lupines in New Hampshire's Northcountry.

Nowhere else in New Hampshire does this flower figure so prominently into the landscape and the ethos of the region.

Early June sees roadsides and fields carpeted with Lupines and the view is serene and awe inspiring at once.

The communities of Bethlehem, Easton, Franconia, Sugar Hill, Twin Mountain, and Bretton Woods all join together to celebrate the coming of the Lupine and to showcase their region.

Every year they put together a host of great events around the flowering: Garden tours, historic inn tours, concerts, sidewalk sales, art exhibits.

If you are a photographer, painter, artist of any sort, you'll think you've died and gone to heaven as you wander the area and capture the beauty with your mind and your medium.

Links and Details

Franconia Chamber of Commerce Lupine Festival

Lupine Dreams Gallery
Images of Wayne D. King
Cards, Posters, Art Prints of Lupine

Lupine Dreams Calendar

Fields of Lupine Poster

Lupine Postage Stamp

Special: Best Friend's Song Cards, posters and print. Reduced 50%. This beautiful piece with a quote from an unknown author makes a great gift as a poster, a print or cards. The quote "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and sings it back to you when you have forgotten how it goes."


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