Saturday, February 25, 2017

Sacred Trust Update

Sacred Trust Update

You may already know that I've been writing a novel about a group of unlikely compatriots that come together to try and stop a high voltage power transmission line in NH.

While I have tried to avoid the pitfalls of linking the power project in this novel directly with any similar project (duh! as my son says) the obvious connections will certainly be made and I believe that will be useful to those of us who have been opposing the real NH transmission project.

The book is set here in New Hampshire but has much broader implications for similar projects throughout the country, particularly in light of President Trump’s executive order on pipelines and transmission lines.

I am currently about 3/4 finished with the novel - having spent two years to date on it in my spare time - I am hoping to supercharge a final push in the next 3 months to finish it and get it edited and published through a crowdfunding campaign to support the final push.

I'm fully aware that this will not be without controversy. However, I sense that the controversy might be just what is needed to refocus the public eye on the efforts to stop or at least completely bury the proposed project. There has been a palpable drop in public interest of late.

Furthermore, in the panic to get at least some of the line buried we have missed out on a lot of teachable moments that just did not seem to be high priority items in the beginning. Bigger picture issues like the over reliance on large sources of power production instead of smaller sources of power and micro-grids that make our system less subject to large outages from human or natural causes; The desecration of native lands and the massive carbon output associated with flooding of large tracts of land. The choice between direct transmission and a more nimble smart-grid allowing for the creation of power sources within communities that serve their economy and their environment better.

While the novel is first and foremost a fun read about an important trend in the nation as a whole, it is also an opportunity to explore some of these teachable moments a bit. Perhaps even to create a book that serves as the basis for discussion of these issues in classes, book groups, and reading and discussion groups etc. For example, one device that I will be employing will be to have essays addressing some of the important issues written by actual experts who will be portrayed as “Gazetteers” much like the patriots who wrote the Federalist Papers. The purpose of their essays will be to ostensibly provide support to the compatriots fighting the power line but the more important reason for their essays will be to lay out the arguments against this and other similar projects and to examine some of the challenges of providing energy and power to our world in the future.

I am hoping that you will have an interest in helping me to spread the word about the book and the campaign.

If you are, here are some of this things you can do to help:

Pass the word about this campaign on to your friends, especially if they have expressed concern over Northern Pass. I have included a sample note below.

Sign up to receive updates on the campaign and snippets from the book:

If you have publishing contacts who may have an interest in looking at the book please let me know and feel free to contact them.

If you know an expert in any of the related areas (climate change, sustainable and renewable energy, Native American rights and treaties, Smartgrids, Energy planning, etc) Please let me know and I will speak with them about contributing to the book.

Best wishes,

Wayne King

Sample Referral Note

Wayne King has been writing a fictional novel, “Sacred Trust”, about a group of compatriots using civil disobedience to stop an electric transmission line similar to the Northern Pass project proposed in New Hampshire. His novel is intended to be a great read with a message, using real experts to lay out the arguments against similar projects.

He is running a crowdfunding campaign to put the book over the top - to cover the costs of paying the experts for their essays, editing and publishing the book.

He is hoping that both the crowdfunding campaign and the book will stir up more interest and help to put fire back into the opposition which has seemed to lag lately.

If you would like to learn more or to help, visit his GoFundMe Campaign page at:

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