Friday, July 8, 2016

Cochise and the Conch - A Parable in a Picture

A Parable in a Picture

Nearly all native peoples throughout the land had by now resigned themselves to the squalor, poverty and disease of the white mans reservations but with a small coterie of braves Cochise fought on. Only Geronimo and his band did likewise. Summoned by a dream to make the trip north to the refuge of the Dells, Cochise and his band stood at a point in the Dells. "The hour of our end grows near my brothers", said the Chief. But we will die as free men and your memory will live on in the life we will give to the dreams that guide us. Our bodies will become one with the earth and our spirits will live on. The day will come when the Indian people's love of freedom and our love for the land will define the size of everyman's vision for the future of all people. "

"In this place I hear the call of the Great Spirit. Though I will never again set foot upon this soil let the wind remember and spread the word to the grasses and the living brothers and sisters of the earth so that it will be said that Cochise stood here side by side with you and resolved in the name of freedom, not revenge, to fight on until our strength is gone."

Clutching a conch to his lips he sent forth a song of love for the earth that will ever be heard in even the gentlest breeze as it blows across this place and to the four corners of the earth.

Can you find Cochise and his conch in the image?

** Note** This parable is fictional and there is no Cochise Point in the Arizona Dells in Prescott, although there certainly could be given the image above.

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