Monday, July 25, 2016

President Gore and World War Three

President Gore and World War Three
By Wayne King

Shame on the people who booed Bernie today. Politics is the art of the possible. Bernie gave it everything he had and even with the DNC's  fingers on the scales he almost pulled it off.

We all learned what happens when good people are dogmatic about their presidential candidate, just ask President Gore.

Bernie Sanders is a genuine hero who at 74 dragged his weary ass all over the country trying to change the world. He almost did it will and will undoubtably have a huge impact on the Clinton agenda and the congress if we can win it back.

Before he died Ted Kennedy said that his biggest mistake was his unwillingness to compromise on National Healthcare when he had a chance to get half a loaf instead of the entire loaf. Had he done that - he said - we would have every American covered today.

Nader voters gave us the Iraq war and George Bush. People who booed Bernie and don't heed his advice may give us Donald Trump and quite possibly World War Three.

I am no fan of Hillary Clinton and I am heartsick that it has come to this but I'm not going to take the risk that my son Zach will get caught up in the meat grinder of an international conflagration. I'm voting for Hillary Clinton and praying that she will exercise enough restraint to prevent us from burning down the world and enough vision to prevent the planet from burning up.

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